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Endometrial Ablation


Endometrial Ablation: Relief from Heavy Bleeding, Confidence for Your Future

If heavy periods are interfering with daily life and haven't responded to other treatments, endometrial ablation could be the answer. This minimally invasive procedure destroys the lining of your uterus (endometrium) to significantly reduce or eliminate menstrual bleeding.

Is Endometrial Ablation Right for You?

Your Aster OB/GYN doctor might recommend it if you:

  • Struggle with Heavy Periods: Excessive bleeding that disrupts work, activities, and your overall well-being.
  • Have Tried Other Options: Medications or non-surgical treatments haven't provided relief.
  • Don't Wish to Become Pregnant: Endometrial ablation is not suitable if you desire future pregnancy.

Aster OB/GYN: Expertise and Personalized Care

  • Understanding Your Needs: We take the time to listen, evaluate your symptoms, and recommend ablation only if it's the best fit for you.
  • Choosing the Right Technique: Your doctor will explain different ablation methods (heat, freezing, radiofrequency, etc.) and help you select the most appropriate for your circumstances.
  • Minimally Invasive Focus: We prioritize in-office or outpatient procedures for a quick recovery.
  • Support Throughout: We provide clear instructions for preparation, the procedure, and aftercare.

Benefits of Endometrial Ablation at Aster OB/GYN

  • Life-Changing Results: Most women experience significantly lighter periods or no periods at all.
  • Faster Recovery: Shorter downtime compared to invasive surgery like a hysterectomy.
  • Avoiding Hysterectomy: For many women, ablation offers an alternative to a more extensive surgery.

Reclaim Your Life. Schedule a Consultation Today

Don't let heavy bleeding control you. Explore if endometrial ablation can bring the relief you deserve. Contact Aster OB/GYN to discuss your options.

What happens during the procedure?

Watch this informative video to learn more:

Click here to learn more about endometrial ablation at the NovaSure website.

What we offer



Aster OB/GYN
240 West 98th Street, Suite 1E
Upper West Side

New York, NY 10025
Phone: 212-662-6100
Fax: (212) 662-6101

Office Hours

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