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Long Healthy Life Essentials

As a working mom of two amazing girls, I understand the struggle of juggling a career, family, and our own health needs. I'm passionate about empowering people to prioritize their well-being, which is why I'm excited to launch our "Long Healthy Life Essentials" program at Aster OB/GYN.

At Aster OB/GYN, our mission is to empower people every day. We believe that health should be a top priority at every stage of life. Our "Long Healthy Life Essentials" program provides personalized care and support, helping you make proactive choices for your health and well-being, from your reproductive years through menopause and beyond.

Here's what you can expect:

Join us as we champion women's health! Visit or call us at 212-662-6100 today to learn more.


Jeannette Grullon Fahmy

Chief Operating Officer

Picture of Jeannette Grullon Fahmy Jeannette Grullon Fahmy, B. A. Jeannette Grullon Fahmy is the Chief Operating Officer of Aster OB/GYN, a practice dedicated to empowering people. Learn her perspective on balancing health, life, and careers.